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Location of Zhencheng, Guangdong, China (Latitude: 21° 36' 15 N, Longitude: 110° 51' 14 E) displayed on world map, coordinates and short location facts.
Keywords match: robotics + inertial match The Generalized Principle of Inertia Match for Geared Robotic Mechanisms "Dar-Zen Chen" "Lung-Wen Tsai"
Tsu-Liang Chang, Iou-Zen Chen, Doris Chi-Ning Chang, Sheng-Feng Hung: Keywords: Zizania latifolia, Ustilago esculenta, symbiosis, plant part
Yi-Ting Lai, Iou-Zen Chen: Keywords: calamondin: Abstract: Three-year-old grafted calamondin (Citrus microcarpa; syn. C. mandurensis) plants were used for a three-step experiment.
2001 European Solid-State Circuits Conference Session2-2 Bandwidth Enhancement Techniques for Transimpedance Amplifier in CMOS Technologies Chao-Hsin Luand We i-Zen Chen Integrated ...