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Dr. Orla Hardiman, Dr. Dominic McCabe, Dr. Yvonne Langan, Dr. Catherine Dalton, Dr. Daniel Healy, Dr. Ronan Walsh, Dr. Bryan Traynor. For details of the annual IICN/Aventis ...
Dr Yvonne Langan, Consultant Neurologist, Beaumont Hospital. Developing the rols of the clinical nurse specialist in epilepsy care and learning disability.
Dr. Yvonne Langan, St. James's Hospital, Dublin. Investment: €75,000. Funding for this project has been made available through the Barbara Doyle memorial fund.
Click to view Photo: Dr. Tim Counihan, Dr. Yvonne Langan, Dr. Michael Hennessy, INA President, Dr. Helena Moore. Please click links for further photos below.
Dr Yvonne Langan from St James's Hospital will also speak about her research into SUDEP which is being funded by Brainwave through the Barbara Doyle memorial fund.