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(left to right): Hans Ides (Chief of Staff), Krzysztof Maruszewski (Director JRC-IRMM), Cathy Berx (Governor Antwerp Province), Wim Mondelaers (JRC-IRMM scientist)
Objectives Programme Scientific co-ordinator: Wim Mondelaers Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) Phone +32(0)14 57 14 78 E-mail: [email protected] Course ...
Beam quality of high-energy photon beams at the Ghent University linear accelerator. Hugo Palmans, Wim Mondelaers, Hubert Thierens, 2002. Phys.
VZW De Oever (Mental Health Care industry): Cordinator, (January 2001-March 2005)