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Born in Leuven, 1973; Admitted, 1996, Brussels. Education: University of Leuven (Bach. Philosophy, 1992); University of Leuven (Lic. Jur., 1995); University of Salamanca, Spain ...
This contribution deals with the effects of the 2007 Braunschweig judgment of the European Court of Justice on judicial protection in public procurement law after the award of a ...
William Timmermans caught another three sea trout today fishing with Tom O’Shea. Reverent Humphrey’s caught five sea trout up to 1.5lbs. Ken Towner caught a single sea trout ...
William Timmermans ... ALTIUS BRUSSELS Tour & Taxis building Havenlaan 86C box 414 Avenue du Port
Dr. Peter William Timmermans Family Practice 14 Beaver Dam St 414-324-9797 Waupun, WI 53963