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{An N=2 worldsheet approach to D-branes in bihermitian geometries: II. The general case} Alexander Sevrin, Wieland Staessens and Alexander Wijns
Wieland Staessens: see publications | email: Wieland.Staessens at; Dimitri Terryn: see publications | email: Dimitri.Terryn at
Wieland Staessens Supersymmetry and Geometry in String Theory . Ward Struyve Beyond the quantum. Simi Thomas General no-go condition for stochastic pumping. Erik van der Straeten
For any additional information concerning the school, please contact Wieland Staessens at [email protected]. Participants (to be updated) Practical information
Webmaster: Cyril Closset Organizing committee: Alice Bernamonti, Cyril Closset, Térence Delsate, Ella Jamsin, Wieland Staessens, Walter Van Herck, Bert Vercnocke.
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