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Center for Robotic Research; Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI) Sektion København; Copenhagen Institute of Technology; Department of Production
... and education Tony Brooks Associate Professor Aalborg University Esbjerg , Niels Bohrs Vej 8 DK-6700 Esbjerg TLF +45 79127716 FAX +45 79127710 E-mail: [email protected] Volker Kruger ...
(Volker Kruger, Danica Kragic) Technical report, CVMI-2007:2, Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Lab, Copenhagen Institute of Technology
Author Title Year Journal/Proceedings Reftype DOI/URL; Adams, J. A. Critical Considerations for Human-Robot Interface Development . 2002: AAAI Fall Symposium on Human-Robot Interaction
Center for Automation Research, University of Maryland (Computer Software industry): Assistant Research Scientist, (2000-2002)