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Fra: Charlotte Mors - Dansevaerket [[email protected]] Sendt: 15. december 2006 15:44 Til: Iben Hutzelsider; Christine Fentz; Ulla Gad; Hanne Svejstrup; Kamma ...
Ulla Gad has worked as the Youth Dance Consultant in Dansens Hus, Aarhus (DK) since 2001. There she set up the dance consultant structure on a national level together with Anna ...
Institut for Idræt. Nedenstående liste omfatter alle instituttets publikationer, der er registreret i Københavns Universitets elektroniske register.
Dans i Uddannelse (Performing Arts industry): Dansekonsulent, (2002-2005)
Dans i Skolen (Performing Arts industry): Projektleder, &n...