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Institute of Marine Research P.O. Box 1870 Nordnes 5817 Bergen, Norway Phone: +47 55 23 85 00 Fax: +47 55 23 85 31 E-mail: [email protected] Visiting addresses
Jon Vidar Helvik, Øyvind Drivenes, Torstein Harboe, and Hee-Chan Seo (2001). Topography of different photoreceptor cell types in the larval retina of Atlantic halibut ...
I am grateful to Dr. Anders Mangor-Jensen and Torstein Harboe at the Institute of Marine Research (Storebø) for their assistance in designing and organising the rearing experiments
Torstein Harboe (Norway) HALIBUT FRY PRODUCTION: Grethe Rosenlund (Norway) COD JUVENILE PRODUCTION – STATUS ON R&D AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS: Stephen Battaglene (Australia)
Torstein Harboe: 2000 - 2005: Videre bruk av lys for optimalisering av biologisk effekt i matfiskanlegg av laks og minimalisering av lakseluspåslag