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Department of Applied Physics Aalto University School of Science and Technology P.O.Box 13500 FI-00076 AALTO Finland Tel: +358-9-470 23481 E-mail: firstname.lastname (at)
Commentators: Nicola Yeates, Timo Voipio; Session Two: Global Liberalisation of Trade and Investment: Implications for Health Policy. Chair: Meri Koivusalo
Timo Voipio Abhinav Walia Immanuel Wallerstein Thomas Wallgren Riku Warjovaara Peter Waterman
Presentations were given by advisor Mr Timo Voipio from the Department for International Development Policy of the ministry for foreign affairs on OECD´s "Pro poor growth ...
We hope that this report will turn out to be a useful tool in the work that remains to be done. Helsinki, 29 th January 2007 Ronald Wiman Timo Voipio Matti Ylönen