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268 Norway 1.01,20 Fernando Ramirez, John Ertzgaard, Kenneth Halhjem, Thomas Mellin Olsen
Msc, PhD, Professor in Injury Epidemiology and Prevention Lucie Laflamme ... 524 8 3385 E-mail: thomas.mellin@ki ...
Following the contract hire period the right person may be offered a permanent position with our client Interessert? Send CV til [email protected] eller ...
Special thanks go to Marie-Louise Thomé, Anna-Stina Ullrich, Kersti Rådmark, Lars Hedlund and Thomas Mellin at IHCAR, Karolinska Institutet, for their kindness and invaluable ...
Olsen, Thomas Mellin: Norway: X: X: 7.37: X: 7.40: 7.44: 7.44 +1.6 +0.7 +0.8 +0.8: 3: O'Flynn, Paul: Ireland: 6.41: 6.60: X: 6.48: X: 6.71: 6.71 +1.7 +1.1 +1.6 +1.1 +1.1: 4: Cerny, Tomas: Ireland