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Thomas Heinicke, Chausseestr. 1, D-18581 Vilmnitz, Germany. tel./fax: +49-(0)38301-889936. e-mail : note 1 : 2 birds were ringed during Greylag Goose catching ...
The organizing committee will be chaired by me (Leif Nilsson), and further consists of Barwolt Ebbinge, Tony Fox, Thomas Heinicke, Konstantin Litvin, Jesper Madsen and ...
• taxonomy of the bean goose A. fabalis and pink-footed goose A. brachyrhynchus complex (with Konstantin Litvin, Thomas Heinicke and Tomas Aarvak)
projectleader: Thomas Heinicke, Chausseestr. 1, D-18581 Vilmnitz, Germany. tel./fax: +49-(0)38301-889936. e-mail: note 1 : This project continues former ...
projectleader: Thomas Heinicke, Chausseestr. 1, D-18581 Vilmnitz, Germany. tel.: +49-(0)38301-889936. e-mail: direct input :