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A few words about me. I'm a 29 years old journalist and mobility expert who works for a ...
Tero Lehto is a member of My Opera My Opera is a blog and photo sharing community with millions of members. Join now to get your page on My Opera.
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- Tero Lehto / Toinen vaihtoehto----- "OK, so this is demented hardcore and not jazz. The mythologizing liner notes speak of “the joy of ...
The press jury members are Jouni Junkkaala (Tietoviikko & MikroPC), Tero Lehto (Tietokone), Mikko Pulliainen (Aamulehti) and Merina Salminen (Kauppalehti).
Silecs Oy (Privately Held; Chemicals industry): Process engineer, (June 2004-August 2010)