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Our team keeps growing with new talents, new faces and new work… Legend: Teresa Pinheiro, founder and executive director. Photos: João Frazão
ITN Annual Report - 2003 153 Health and Environmental Science Using Ion Beams Teresa Pinheiro Laboratório de Feixes de Iões (LFI) related with Health and Environmental Studies derive ...
Teresa Pinheiro (Auxiliary Researcher, UPA) Maria Lurdes B. P. Gano (Auxiliary Researcher, UCQR) Isabel Paiva (Auxiliary Researcher, UPSR) UPA = Unit of Physics and Accelerators;
Dr. Teresa Pinheiro. Juniorprofessur Kultureller und Sozialer Wandel Institut fr Europische Studien TU Chemnitz – Philosophische Fakultt. D-09107 Chemnitz
... in the Carpathian Euroregion States (Involvement of Civil Society in the Implementation of a Cultural Policy) ……………………………………… ….45 Teresa PINHEIRO ...
Hospital So Joo (Empresa pblica; Setor Atendimento mdico e hospitalar): Cardiopneumologista, (setembro de 2010-outubro de 2010) ...