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Contact: Svea Andersson, +4613281462, [email protected] Lotta Hallberg, +46013281657, [email protected]. Specific admission requirements: Student’s entering the course ...
Study counselling Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Statistics, Data Analysis and Knowledege Discovery: Svea Andersson and Martin Bengtsson, MAI; Linköping Institute of Technology
Study Guidance. Student counsellors for single courses in mathematics, and statistics (programme and single courses), are Svea Andersson Martin Bengtsson
Svea Andersson; Magnus Berggren; Daniel Carlsson; Åke Hammarström. Guest teachers (Swedish title: Gästlärare) Martin Bengtsson; Micaela Bergfors; Patrik Gustafsson
Hennerlöf's Foundation (Swedish Society of Medicine), 1985; Svea Andersson's Award (Swedish Medical Association), 1986. Young Investigators Award (Scandinavian Society for the ...