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Suzanne McEndoo ... thank you for your patience and attention (in case you have questions about neutron ...
Billy was placed 3rd in the competition and 1st place went to Suzanne McEndoo from UCC for her talk 'Calculations with Quantum Whirlpools'. SCIENCE SPEAK 2008 once again saw ...
Suzanne McEndoo is a PhD student within the group. She is working on vortices and their use as qubits for quantum information.
This is the second year in a row that UCC has won the competition with Suzanne McEndoo taking the coveted prize last year. Organised by Irish Universities Promoting Science ...
Suzanne McEndoo Micheal Morrissey (*) Sile Nic Chormaic Brian O'Sullivan Jonathan Ward (*) Distinguished Guests. Professor Shiqi Jin . Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics