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Ph.D. student at the University of Tromsø, Department of Physics and Technology, Electronic Engineering Group. Research interests include statistical signal processing, pattern ...
Stian Normann Anfinsen PH.D. STUDENT. Email: stian.normann.anfinsen(at) Research interests: Automatic clustering, classification, segmentation, and change detection ...
work of Stian Normann Andersen Status: Industrial Design Student Contact: [email protected] tlf 47 242 514
work of Stian Normann Andersen Status: Industrial Design Student Contact: [email protected] tlf 47 242 514
Stian Normann Anfinsen and Torbjørn Eltoft: «Application of the Matrix-Variate Mellin Transform to Analysis of Polarimetric Radar Images», submitted to IEEE Transactions on ...
Royal Norwegian Navy (Government Agency; Military industry): Commanding Officer, School Vessel, (March 2009-August 2009)