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Snellmaninkatu 12 (P.O.B. 16) FIN-00014 University of Helsinki tel. +358 9 1911 ... Sofia Heikel . tel +358 9 191 28412 [email protected]
Sofia Heikel tel +358 9 191 28409 [email protected]. Areas of responsibility: Study Guide; coordination of academic schedule planning
Bäckvall, Jenny Sofia | |-----Heikel, Pehr Samuel |-----Heikel, Maria Sofia |-----Dobbin, Katarina Gustava : Gender: Female Birth : 10 November 1844 in Rovaniemi
Bäckvall, Jenny Sofia | |-----Heikel, Pehr Samuel |-----Heikel, Maria Sofia |-----Dobbin, Katarina Gustava : Gender: Female Birth : 10 November 1844 in Rovaniemi