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Sinead Cox, Marks & Spencers "Fashion is all about Lingerie these days. We see dresses that are cut to show underwear and Irish women are a lot more confident now.
Sinead Cox. MOVING TO: Ritz-Carlton, Powerscourt. POSITION: Public relations (PR) manager. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Cox has worked in the areas of consumer PR and event management for over ...
Celebrity Photo gallery of your favourite movie, pop and super stars. Find your own photo at some of the funkiest night clubs, bars and events around Ireland.
Sinéad Cox - Kerr Aluminium Ltd. "ThermaBuild have worked on various projects for, and with, us around Ireland. Each time we have found their work to be of the highest standard ...
Bespoke Communications (Marketing and Advertising industry): Account Manager, (June 2007-2008)