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Shahid Majeed. PhD Student 040-41 51 05. 0762-52 85 15. [email protected]
PhD student Chemical ecology V building +46 40 41 51 05 +46 762 52 85 15 Fax +46 40 46 19 91 [email protected]. Postal address Dept. of Plant Protection Biology
Sophie Kromann PhD student email: Shahid Majeed PhD student email
Anna Karin Gustafsson Treasurer, Responsible for the website . Abrar Hussain. Shahid Majeed. Sophie Kromann. Sarah Andersson. Paulien de Bruijn. Thomas Prade
This project is funded by Formas. Personnel Majid Ghaninia, Shahid Majeed, Siju K. Purayil, Sharon Hill, Senay Sengul, Bill Hansson, Rickard Ignell.