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Géologie Fondamentale et Appliquée Faculté Polytechnique de Mons rue de Houdain, 9 B-7000 Mons tel + 32 65 37 46 17 fax +32 65 37 46 10 email [email protected]
Pieter Laga; Johan Lavreau; Luc Lebbe; Philippe Muchez; Etienne Steurbaut; Noel Vandenberghe; Peter Van den haute; Jacqueline Vander Auwera; Sara Vandycke; Jacques Verniers
A scientific career in a civil engineering faculty: a choice of life by Sara Vandycke and Muriel Delforge, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons - Chair person : Frieda Decraemer, Royal ...
T his special issue of Geologica Belgica consists of a series of papers presented ... Sara VANDYCKE. Faculté Polytechnique de Mons
A. Darquenne, Sara VANDYCKE & Christian Schroeder. «Deformation in faulted white chalk in Belgium». Geologica Belgica, volume 10 (2007) number 3-4 (2nd Belgian Geological ...