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The vital goals were scored by Frank Moylan and Ray O’Grady. Earlier in the competition Shoot the Crows took a major scalp when they ousted Fiddlers Creek (who subsequently won ...
Ray O’Grady advised that the key reasons for refusal of hotel quoted our own Development Plan. Cllr Conmy asked if we could amend our Development Plan.
Mr. Ray O Grady, Executive Planner; MINUTES OF DECEMBER MEETING: It was proposed by Councillor Bree, Seconded by Councillor McManus. AND AGREED “that the minutes of the Sligo ...
Vicechairperson: Ray O'Grady; Secretary: Marian McGlynn; Treasurer: Cara Brosnan; PRO: Francis Mulligan; Training Officer: Tim McSweeney; Environmental Officer: Ray McEvoy