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The cost for a first archiving is $400, paid to the owner (Pontus Lidman, Linköping, Sweden), hereafter called the Owner, by the client, hereafter called the Client.
Pontus Lidman, (integrated design environments) Henrik Johansson, (Cult3D and Mathematica integration) David Kågedal, [email protected] (Formal static semantics of Modelica)
Pontus Lidman: MathCore Linköping, Sweden: [email protected]: Hans Olsson: Dynasim Lund, Sweden: [email protected]: Tommy Persson: Linköping university, Sweden
Pontus Lidman (D)-----| 23. Jonas Karlsson (D)-----| 24. Alexander Avelöv (F)-----| 25. David Almgren (F)-----| 26. Linus Johansson (F)-----| 27. Andreas Qvarfordt (F)
Pontus Lidman: Did not play----14. Thomas Fahlstedt: Did not play----15. Andreas Blücher: Did not play----16. Teddie Leidhem: Did not play----17. Linus Persson
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