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Piotr Piatkowski electronic engineer : Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University ul. Reymonta 4 Pl-30-059 Kraków Poland : E-mail: piotr.piatkowski (at)
Next message: Aleph One: "CERT Advisory CA-97.15 - Vulnerability in SGI login LOCKOUT" Previous message: Piotr Piatkowski: "Re: AIX 4.2 lquerylv"
X11R6 resource manager buffer overflow.... David Hedley ([email protected]) Wed, 28 May 1997 16:04:52 +0100. Messages sorted by: Next message: Piotr Piatkowski: "Re: AIX 4.2 lquerylv"
Piotr PIATKOWSKI. sales manager for Poland. speaking: Polish, Czech GSM: +48 600 144 856 skype: piotrpiatkowski e-mail: [email protected]
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