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Thierry Coeman; Willem Stox; Philippe Geerts; Denis Maigray; Pieter Vanermen; Jan Vanwijnendaele
Thierry Coeman; Willem Stox; Philippe Geerts; Denis Maigray; Pieter Vanermen; Jan Vanwijnendaele
Philippe Geerts - Managing Director : Founded: 2004: Employees: Full - 9 : Turnover: 1.150.000€ € Parent company: International network: Esomar: Membership:
Please send your CV as well as your application form to Philippe Geerts at the following address: [email protected].
Board members. Use the alphabetical overview or Quicksearch (WHO?) to find an executive in no time. And see in what companies he or she has a mandate.
Terminalco (Maritime industry): Loading Master, (July 2007-July 2009)
Searoad Stevedores (Maritime industry): Shift Cordinator,&nbs...