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Contact person: R&D Manager Petri Peltola Pilot equipment - Micro malting 125 g - 1 kg - Pilot malting 50 kg
... at Polttimo Technology Centre, with the benefit of a wide range of laboratory and pilot scale equipment available. Contact person: Research and Development Manager Petri Peltola
Petri Peltola Research and Development Manager Phone +358 3 864 295 GSM +358 50 375 2254 petri.peltola(at) : Hanna Metsä-Eerola
[email protected] [email protected]: Pekka Reinikainen, Managing Director Petri Peltola, R & D Manager Anu El-Ghaoui, Laboratory Manager
Petri Peltola Bachelor’s Programme in Biology-Earth Sciences, 180 hp 180.0 credits : Genes, Cells and Populations, 15 hp Margareta Ohné Biology 2, Course Package, 60 hp (60 ECTS)