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OPEN GATE - Boarding School je osmileté gymnázium kolejního typu, s dvojjazyčnou výukou a s širokou nabídkou mimoškolní činnosti.
OPEN GATE - Boarding School is an octennial grammar school of collegiate type, with billingual teaching and wide offer of extra-curricural activities.
What makes it different from other schools in the country and why was it established in the first place? Peter Nitsche is the school’s headmaster:
Peter Nitsche Sørensen ... DanSign A/S - DK-2600 Glostrup - Phone +45 4484 0330 - Fax +45 4484 0343 - Email ...
Opens one hour before the concert ... Double-bass Sébastien Dubé, solobasist Peter Nitsche* Josée Deschênes**