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Personal Info. Research Assistant of Biomathematics group at ITQB/UNL (BioMath@ITQB) Name: Pedro Miguel Bernardino Eleutério Birthdate: 18 December 1977
joão xavier Post-doc @ FAS Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University: pedro eleutério research assistant - epidemiological information systems
... and is involved in optimising the interface; Ana Rita Grosso (1) ([email protected]) created the five web interface tools to facilitate laboratory validation; Pedro Eleutério (1) ( ...
Recent News. Carmo Fonseca wins Prémio Pessoa 2010 Executive director of IMM awarded ... Daniel Silva (PhD student) Pedro Eleutério (Systems administrator)
Pedro Eleuterio : BSc: Web interface and Database administrator for WP10A : Sara Silva : MS Computer Science : Web-based database infrastructure consultant