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Marcin Blazejowski, Pawel Kufel and Tadeusz Kufel Ch 06 Instrumental Variable Interval Regression Giulia Bettin and Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti Ch 07 A Model for Pricing the Italian ...
In this connection par-ticularthanksare due to Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza, Tadeusz Kufel, Pawel Kufel, Alan Isaac, Cri Rigamonti, Sven Schreiber, Talha Yalta, Andreas Rosenblad, and ...
# Polish translation for gretl-1.6.0.pre2 # Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Pawel Kufel <[email protected]> # Tadeusz Kufel <[email protected]>, 2004 ...
((dp1. S'ant-phone' p2 (dp3. S'mailto' p4 (lp5. S'[email protected]' p6. asS'note' p7 (lp8. sS'remark' p9 (lp10. S''
Centrum Integracji Spolecznej CISTOR w Toruniu (Public Company; 11-50 employees; Government Administration industry): accountant, ...