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Paul Masschelein, PASCION Chairman. Paul Masschelein is Purchasing and Supply Chain Director at ASCO Industries NV. He started his career at Atlas Copco Airpower NV, where he ...
POWER7 systems for medium businesses and Storage update . 09:00 Welcome coffee; 09:30 Power Systems 3Q annnouncements - Part 1 (Paul Masschelein / Philippe Ceyssens)
Speaker : Paul Masschelein ([email protected]) Joined IBM in 1976 , since 1983 different technical functions such as instructor S/36, System ...
Philippe Ceyssens, Paul Masschelein, Freddy Jacobsen, Ingo Hesemans . IBM FORUM Evere . Agenda; Location: IBM Forum Evere Avenue du Bourget, 42 , Bourgetlaan
Paul Masschelein Asco Industries Procurement Director. Why do they read CxO Magazine ICT. The Expert Group ICT is a group of ICT managers ...
Atlas Copco Airpower nv, Industrial Air Division (Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; Machinery industry): Manufacturing Manager, ...