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Otilia Maria Caldas Rocha was born in Oporto, Portugal but went to school in Canada.
Roxana Radu. lithiasis, genital problems. Tocats Otilia-Maria. psoriasis. Lazar Cristina. polifibromatos uterus, ovarian cyst fibro-nodular breast mastosis
Otilia-Maria Albu Carmen Boghean Iulian Condratov Lucia Morosan-Danila Adrian Liviu Scutariu. Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Czech Republic
Otília Maria Aranda Carneiro Costa, da Maia. Ana Margarida Gomes Mateus Baldo, da Sobreda. Sónia Marlene Conceição Vala Santos, das Caldas da Raínha
[email protected]: Otília Maria Caldas Rocha ... “It is the mind that makes the body rich” ...