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Venture Capital. Oskar Kowalewski, PhD Aim: This course explores some important questions and features regarding Venture Capital (VC).
- 1 - O SKAR K OWALEWSKI January, 2011 World Economy Research Institute Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) Ul. Niepodleglosci 162 02-554 Warsaw, POLAND Tel. +48 (22) 564 93 72 Fax.+ 48 (22 ...
It should contain the title; name of the author(s), complete address, telephone, fax numbers and E-mail addresses. Submit your paper to: Email: [email protected]
By Oskar Kowalewski and Marzenna A. Weresa; Abstract: A key component of economic globalization, foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a special role in stimulating the
dr Oskar Kowalewski; dr Arkadiusz Kowalski; Marcin Gomulka, M.Sc. CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES: The annual World Economy Research Institute international conference, which will take place on ...