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Geir Ole Braathen R&D Director: Geir Braathen got his education at the University of Oslo, where he obtained his dr. scient. degree in 1986 in the field of physical chemistry ...
Dr. Geir Ole Braathen: Director, World Meteorologial Organisation, Geneve (MWO) Tel: E-mail: GBraathen at web: Dr. Jon Are Beukes: Postdoc., Department of Physics, NTNU
Dr. Geir Ole Braathen: Email: [email protected]: Telephone +47-63-89 8180: Facsimile +47-63-89 8050: EC scientific officer: [email protected]
Svein Ole Braathen (10) Moss: 371 651: 0: 139 198: 8: Berit Elvsås (7) Moss: 386 255: 1 668 151: 135 719: 9: Per Erik Vallner (13) Moss: 353 695: 0: 127 769: 10: Vigleik Lutnæs (12)
Svein Ole Braathen (10) Moss: 371 651: 0: 139 198: 9: Merethe Johannessen (9) Moss: 357 906: 0: 123 281: 10: Per Erik Vallner (12) Moss: 353 695: 0: 127 769: 11: Vigleik Lutnæs (13)