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CURRICULUM VITAE Octavian Dan Capatina 1. Born: 1948, April, 17th in Sibiu, Romania 2. Adress: Cluj-Napoca, str. Titulescu 165/13 , [email protected] , 3.
Tudor Octavian Dan Haulica Virgil Mocanu Enzo di Martino, "Il Gazzettino 1997", Venice Giorgio Pilla , "Gente Veneta 1997", Venice Mircea Deac Marina Preutu
*Ioana*Adriana*Murariu* Transnational*Corporations*-*The*Main*Factor*of*the*Globalization*Process**** [email protected] ** Romania* 61. * Octavian*Dan*Rădescu* Nicolae*Rădescu* ...
CURRICULUM VITAE Octavian Dan Capatina personal site 1. Born: 1948, April, 17th in Sibiu, Romania 2. Address: Cluj-Napoca, str. Titulescu 165/13, o.capa ...
A Mobile Agent Approach *…*56 * * Zoltán*ZAKOTA* Bringing E-Business to Rural Regions through Telecentre Networks** *...* 61 * * Octavian***Dan*RĂDESCU* The Process of Globalization in ...