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Goldsmiths College, Univ. of London, Københavns Universitet, Aarhus Universitet
For more information, contact Eelco Ferwerda (Coordinator of OAPEN, Amsterdam University Press) tel. 0031 (0)20 420 0050, email [email protected] Niels Stern, Head of ...
Niels Stern ... Museum Tusculanum Press is pleased to announce the date of the launch of the OAPEN ...
... Ingrid Cutler, Bergen Open Research Archive, Jesper Mørch, Royal Library, Denmark, Aina Svensson, Uppsala University Library, Jørgen Burchardt, Vidensamfundet, Niels Stern ...
Marianne Alenius, Niels Stern (Museum Tusculanum Press, Denmark): Open Access monographs The scholarly monograph is under increasing pressure these days.
Museum Tusculanums Forlag (Publishing industry): Marketing- og udviklingschef, (2003-Present)
OAPEN (Publishing industry): Task leader,&n...