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Mr. Nicholas NEWMAN (*) Föreningen för Svenskar i Världen/Swedes Worldwide) Ambassador Örjan BERNER Mrs. Karine HENROTTE-FORSBERG (*)
The 20th IWWWFB is dedicated to the co-founder of the Workshops, Professor J. Nicholas Newman, on the occasion of his 70th birthday . The Workshop is an annual meeting of ...
President: Enrique Barón Crespo MEP Secretary General: Simon-Pierre Nothomb Executive Vice President: Hans Jørgen Helms Vice President: Jean-Claude Séché Treasurer: Nicholas Newman Board ...
-Treasurer: Nicholas Newman-Board Members -Associated Members-Representatives of the Member Associations-General Secretariat staff
Wealthy architect Nicholas Newman is an ordinary man, more self-aware than most, who gets caught up in extraordinary events beyond his control.