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Nanjiang Shu has been awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Students Studying Abroad
Nanjiang Shu has been awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Students Studying Abroad
Supplementary data for the paper “A novel method for accurate one-dimensional protein structure prediction based on fragment matching” Authors: Tuping Zhou, Nanjiang Shu and ...
... and Peptide Science, 2008 , 9, 310-324 1389-2037/08 $55.00+.00 © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Describing and Comparing Protein Structures Using Shape Strings Nanjiang Shu ...
Rauan Sagit: PhD student +46-8-164791: [email protected]: homepage: Nanjiang Shu: Post-doc +46-8-164791: [email protected]: Marcin Skwark: PhD student +46-8-164791