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Morten Lihn Jørgensen and Ulla Rødgaard have provided editorial assistance for this volu me. Robert Parkin has been our linguistic consultant.
5 Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook Editors Nanna Hvidt Hans Mouritzen Editorial e-mail: [email protected] Editorial Assistants Morten Lihn Jørgensen Ulla Rødgaard Linguistic Consultant Robert ...
Philosophy of Science is administered by Morten Lihn this group has not been tagged Philosophy of Science has 14 members and 0 discussions Please login to join this group
Morten Lihn; brainsplittr; captgkm; student74; vbacak; madsjaeger; guracra; Karin Creutz; per_stornes; oneworld; Mampukula; Th. TEULE; Gurubanks; Ana C. DavidIanRobin; jfmarq
Copenhagen Business School (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Student, (August 2009-Present) HD (business administrati...