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momentum design is a creative communications agency in the southeast. our integrity and passion for beautiful and effective design is reflected in our work.
Momentum Design - - [email protected] - 087 6436831 Graphic Design agency based in south east of Ireland - specialising CORPORATE IDENTITY+ BRAND DESIGN ...
Momentum Design, design and development of accessible web site services in Northern Ireland, content management systems, ecommerce solutions, intranet and extranet development ...
WHAT'S ON? Wednesday 05.01. Exhibition Galleri F 15; Exhibition 10:00 - 16:00 Galleri Henrik Gerner; Exhibition - 140 characters 10:00 - 15:30 Moss Bibliotek - Møllebyen
Momentum er nordens største festival for samtidskunst. Neste utstilling er i 2005 og 2006. Momentum is a Nordic festival for contemporary art.