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Prof. Miloslav Suchánek: ICT Prague - FCE: Prof. Karel Štulík: Charles University, Prague: Prof. Štěpán Urban: Academy of Sciences of CR: Prof. Marie Urbanová
Prof. Ing. Miloslav Suchánek, CSc. Ing. Petr Křenek, CSc. The Supervisory Board. Doc. Dr. Ing. Pavel Chráska, DrSc. – Chairman; Ing. Tomáš Kopřiva
Prof. Miloslav Suchanek. [email protected] . electrochemistry. Mrs. Alena Vospelova. [email protected] Photometry and radiometry . Dr. Marek Smid
Ivan Trešl*, Oto Mestek and Miloslav Suchánek The Isotope-Dilution Determination of Platinum in Soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
David Milde a, Zbyněk Plzák b and Miloslav Suchánek a. a Department of Analytical Chemistry, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic
VSCHT (Educational Institution; 501-1000 employees; Chemicals industry): PhD student, (September 1993-December 1997)