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Croquis Nonfigurative Painting Scenery Model Painting Double Sculpture Model Sculpture Rose sculpture Links CV. Mikala Lykke Sigurdsgade 15. 2200 Kbh N [email protected]
Mikala Lykkes - News, latest works and coming exhibitions
Mikala Lykke - Painting ... Painting. Nature Nonfigurative Models Pricelist Download Latest opdate:. Mikala Lykke´s style, inspiration, ideals and materials
Rappenskralde in High Taastrup - Recycle sculpture. Photos by Mads Dam. In 2008 ago Mikala Lykke was invited to create a sculpture of recycle materials, live in High Tåstrup, just ...
Art: A Tower in High Tåstrup - Photographs by Mads Dam. In 2008 I visited High Tåstrup, together with Mikala Lykke who was working on a sculpture made of recycled materials.