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Sölvegatan 16, Box 117 SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden phone+46(0)46 222 38 97; cell phone: + 46 702 845 548;
5/29/09 1 Lund University / Research Policy Institute / [email protected] Magnus Boström and Mikael Klintman Eco-Standards, Product Labelling and Green Consumerism 9780230537378 ...
LETS WP0-meeting 090519 WP4 Citizen-Consumers and Voluntary Instruments Mikael Klintman, Lena Hiselius, Johannes Stripple + phd-students 1
Ass. Prof. Mikael Klintman Research Policy Institute Project leader WP4 Dr. Lena Winslott Hiselius Traffic Planning, Dept of Technology and Society, LTH
Wilhelm Agrell participates in an international project on the transformation of intelligence. Active researchers: Wilhelm Agrell, Beatrice Bengtsson, Mikael Klintman, Steven ...