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Mika's homepage. Welcome to Mika Ojutkangas homepage. Feel free to send e-mail to: [email protected]. My R/C cars etc. My computer museum; My plywood boats
Canon X-07; CPU: NSC800 (Z80 compatible) RAM : 8Kb (max 16 Kb) ROM : 20Kb: Text modes: 4*20: Graphic mode: 32*120: Sound: 1 channel: Operating system: BASIC in ROM
Capt Jörg Sträussler, Baltic Energy Forum; Magnus Wikander, FKAB Marine Design; Andy Alderson, Haart Fenton; Mika Ojutkangas, Wartsila; Sean Bond, ABS
Mika Ojutkangas' Computer museum: Pelikonepeijoonit - The Arctic Computer and Console Museum: to the top
Mika Ojutkangas Modellprediktiv reglering, 1998. Niclas Granqvist Aktiv dämpning av ljud, 1998. Henrik Holmberg Modellering av kalium- och ammoniakbalansen i kylmedlet vid en VVER ...