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Koistinen, Miia e-mail: miia.koistinen (at) mobile phone: 0400-591016
Chief editor Miia Koistinen [email protected]: Production Miia Koistinen ... Members: Non members: Black and white Black and white Full page 40,00 euro
Miia Koistinen Member of the board : Eija Pullinen [email protected] Member of the board +358 50 918 1532: Eija Lipponen Member of the board
Koistinen, Miia ; Koistinen, Riitta secretary; Koistinen, Riitta Chief of Student Affairs; Koistinen, Seija Secretary; Koistinen, Tarja Researcher
Kustannus Oy Lampila (Graphic Design industry): Assistant, (August 2005-June 2006)
Suomen Tuoteuutiset Mediat Oy (Publishing industry): Assistant,&n...