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Benoit RUELLE, Alexandre FELTEN, Jacques GHIJSEN, Wolfgang DRUBE, Robert JOHNSON, Duoduo LIANG, Rolf ERNI, Gustaaf VAN TENDELOO, Philippe DUBOIS, Michel HECQ, Carla BITTENCOURT
Sensei Eric Vermeulen: GSM : +32 474 931316: E-mail: [email protected]: Treasurer : Jean-Michel Hecq: GSM:.... E-mail: [email protected]
Benoit RUELLE, Alexandre FELTEN, Jacques GHIJSEN, Wolfgang DRUBE, Robert JOHNSON, Duoduo LIANG, Rolf ERNI, Gustaaf VAN TENDELOO, Philippe DUBOIS, Michel HECQ, Carla BITTENCOURT
Benoît Ruelle 1, Alexandre Felten 2, Jacques Ghijsen 2, Wolfgang Drube 3, Robert L. Johnson 4, Duoduo Liang 5, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo 5, Philippe Dubois 6, Michel Hecq 6, ...
Laurent Denis, Philippe Marsal, Yoann Olivier, Thomas Godfroid, Roberto Lazzaroni, Michel Hecq, Jérôme Cornil, and Rony Snyders Plasma Processes and Polymers, 7 (2010) 172