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Scientific Experts, Publications, Research Topics about Michel Gillard
Brussels, 20 June 2008 . Michel Gillard appointed independent member and chairman of the Board of Directors of WIN SA . The general assembly of WIN SA has appointed Mr. Michel ...
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR PHARMACOLOGY Michel GILLARD, David GALL This course will address ligand-receptor interactions in the context of drug discovery with an emphasis on G-protein ...
LIGAND-RECEPTOR INTERACTIONS LIGAND-RECEPTOR INTERACTIONS Michel GILLARD Michel GILLARD This course will address ligand-receptor interactions in the context of drug discovery with an ...
... Franck Atienzar, Sylvain Célanire, Bernard Christophe, Frédérique Delannois, Christel Delaunoy, Marie-Laure Delporte, Véronique Durieu, Michel Gillard, Bénédicte ...
PPG Coatings SPRL/BVBA (Public Company; PPG; Chemicals industry): Resins Technology Manager, (August 2008-2010) leading the Resins &...