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A 29-YEAR-OLD Polish man, Michal Kurowski, of Old Gallows Field, Tralee, has been found not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter “in self-defence” of his lover’s ...
Michal Kurowski had pleaded not guilty to the murder of Michal Skotak at Racecourse Lawn in the town on 16 May last year. The 32-year-old father of four died in Kerry General ...
Michal Kurowski, (29) of Old Gallowsfield, Tralee, was convicted by a Central Criminal Court jury of the manslaughter of Mr Skotak at Racecourse Lawn, Tralee, on 16 May 2009.
Michal Kurowski, of Old Gallows Field, Tralee was convicted by a Central Criminal Court jury of the manslaughter of Michal Skotak (aged 32) at Racecourse Lawn, Tralee, on May 16 ...
IBM (Public Company; IBM; Information Technology and Services industry): Contractor/Programmer, (May 2008-June 2009) Websphere (CP, WAS, Portal) and Magnolia rel...