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This person is located at: Clipper Group A/S: Clipper House Sundkrogsgade 19 DK 2100 Copenhagen Denmark
If you have practical questions or would like an interview with one of our ... Michael Bjerregaard Corporate Vice President, Client Management
Michael Bjerregaard - CV; Nikolaj Wendelboe - CV; Sune Andersen - CV; Søren Luplau Holt - CV; Board of Directors. Jesper Brandgaard - CV; Carsten Krogsgaard Thomsen - CV
Michael Bjerregaard - CV; Nikolaj Wendelboe - CV; Sune Andersen - CV; Søren Luplau Holt - CV; Bestyrelsen i NNIT. Jesper Brandgaard - CV; Carsten Krogsgaard Thomsen - CV
Are you going with CBS Sport Ski to Val Thorens? ... Contact information. Administration. Michael Bjerregaard Head of Floorball [email protected]
Simatek A/S (Privately Held; Environmental Services industry): Key Account Manager Process, (June 2007-July 2010)
Scanpump (Food Production industry...
University College Nordjylland (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Multimediedesigner, (September 2009-Present)
Web&Co (Internet industry): Freelance worker,&nb...
Kunst & Rammer ApS (Retail industry): Owner, (April 2001-Present)