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Ph.D. Mia Larson. Ph.D. Szilivia Gyimothy . A destination can be regarded as a complex system offering amalgamated products (destination mix), produced and distributed through ...
Viktoriagatan 13, 5th floor: Telephone +46 31 786 00 00: Fax +46 31 786 46 52 . Director. Mia Larson, Ph.D. Telephone +46 31 786 1894: E-mail: [email protected]
Sport Tourism Destinations: Issues, Opportunities and Analysis James Higham (red) Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2004 (Mia Larson 060412)
Evenemang : från organisation till utvärdering Tommy D Andersson, Mia Larson, Lena Mossberg
I am grateful to Ulrica Holmberg, Mia Larson, Lejla Hadzic, Merja Mankila, Tommy Gärling, Jeanette Hauff, Joakim Sandberg, and Ian Hamilton for reading different versions of the ...