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Review of Le mythe du Phénix dans les littératures grecque et latine, by Jean Habaux and Maxime Leroy. By: Stanford, W. B. Review of La genèse des mythes, per ...
Some dreams of Descartes - A letter of Maxime Leroy. S.E. (Vol. XXI, pp. 197-204). London: The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis.
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Jean Hubaux and Maxime Leroy (Le mythe du phénix dans les littératures grecque et latine) refer to a detail from Psalm 78 (27), where God is praised for feeding his people (" ...
Maxime Leroy (U Mulhouse) Text and illustrations in Samuel Lover’s Handy Andy. Leon Litvack (QUB) From painting to photograph: James Robinson’s The death of Chatterton