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The members of the board are: Lasse Kurkilahti (chairman), Tomi Laamanen, Mauri Niemi, Marko Saarelainen, Mauri Saarelainen, and Pirjo Ruuska. Downloadable Files
Mauri Saarelainen Honkarakenne Oyj Markku Tynkkynen UPM-Kymmene Corporation Jouko Virranniemi Pölkky Oy
Mauri Saarelainen. Born in 1949; Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration 1969, Engineer 1976; Honkarakenne Oy, since 1969: Sales Manager, Design Manager, Export Manager
Chairman of the Board Mauri Saarelainen Honkarakenne Oyj. Executive Vice President Hans Sohlström UPM-Kymmene Oyj Country Manager Juha Vanhainen Stora Enso Oyj
Mauri Saarelainen, Chairman of the Board, Honkarakenne Oyj ; Risto Salo, Chairman of the Board, Hollming Oy ; Pekka Sivonen, Managing Director, Chairman of the Board, Digia Plc